Q uality
Quality Management
Quality Management
Engineering Quality Management
Our primary aim in with this effort is to ensure for our customers the longest possible engineering longevity by utilizing the best QA team, management system and engineering, and by proper execution and modification of engineering procedures, materials inspection, autonomous examinations and documentation preservation & filing.
Schedule Management
We are committed to completing engineering projects on time. Prior to the groundbreaking of any project, we map out a general engineering schedule as a base line for undertaking the project. After onsite operations begin, real progress is recorded as input for our information system to compile statistics automatically and compare the initial schedule with the actual onsite progress. This data will serve as a reference for our construction site supervisor to arrange the next stage of construction.
Cost Control
By adopting a reasonable execution of budget system and a computerized information management system, we have precise control of engineering subcontracting cost as well as construction site expenditures. By enhancing R&D and technological development capabilities, on one hand, and by appropriate control of construction cost and materials acquisition coss,t on the other, we remain competitive in securing contracts.
Environmental Protection, Safety Hygiene Management
The various plans prepared prior to commencement of construction include:
a. Safety and hygiene management plan;
b. Construction site environmental protection plan;
c. Engineering noise prevention plan;
d. Engineering emergency response plan.
Building up Cooperative or Coordinating Relationship
a. To promote state-of-the-art engineering techniques and quality, regular meetings are held with our contracting manufacturers to review items for improvement;
b. To solve various construction interface problems and obstacles, regular meetings are held with parallel contractors.
c. To communicate actively with our proprietors and propose suggestions for quality improvement and engineering schedule, with a view to establishing mutually beneficial relations.